Russia and the former Soviet Union, who have undergone various ways of systemic transformation since the dissolution of the Soviet empire constitute one of the most important and interesting targets for area studies. Meanwhile, the Eurasian region including Russia and the Central Asia has cultivated political, economic, and cultural ties with Korea over the past decades. Furthermore, it seems evident that this particular region is indispensable to the stability and prosperity of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia. Therefore, the importance of scientific, in-depth, research on this region cannot be overemphasized.
The Institute of Eurasian Studies (IES), since it was established in 2005, has been strenuously accumulating academic achievements concerned with political, economic, and cultural dynamics of the Eurasian region. The IES now plays a key role in the Eurasian studies community in Korea, conducting various research projects supported by several institutions including the National Research Foundation of Korea. Besides, the IES has successfully consolidated cooperative relationships with several major institutions and scholars abroad.
The IES, a premier area studies institute in Korea, aspires to be one of internationally recognized research institutions in Eurasian studies in the world. The IES is also prepared to serve as a think-tank dealing with various issues on the Eurasian region.
Thank you very much.